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Faith to Hear and Obey God

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It is important that we, as Christians, are able to discern the voice of God. God speaks, the devil speaks, and your spirit speaks. You have to listen to one of those voices and make decisions for yourself. The devil can’t make you do anything and God won’t make you do anything. Hearing God’s voice is all about prayer and a relationship with Him. Prayer is a two-way conversation that helps build your relationship with Christ. The more you talk to someone, the more you discern their voice. God’ voice is a gentle voice, a voice of encouragement. If you have already build that relationship with Christ and know His voice, are you listening to Him and obeying Him? When God saves us, our lifestyle changes. We don’t just give up the things we used to do, we start doing things that we are supposed to do. Maybe we don’t pray because we don’t know how to pray. It is as simple as just doing it. The more you talk to God the easier it becomes.

Faith To Pursue Your Calling

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Today I want to talk about having the faith to pursue your calling. Some of us do not even know what our calling is. Your calling may be different now than the calling you had ten years ago. You have to keep your ear tuned to God to know your calling. “Many are called but few are chosen” because many of us do not accept the call! You have to determine what your calling is and God has to impact that on you, no one else can. A lot of times, your calling is something that you can do really well that others may not be able to do as well. There are some specific callings and general callings. We are all called to be saved, to pray, to worship, etc., but we also have specific callings. For example, someone may be called to clean the church while someone else may be called to be an usher in the church. Sometimes we have to overcome fear to walk I our calling. All you need to do is have a willing spirit. It is not about what is in it for you, it’s for the glory of God!

The Fruit of the Spirit Part 2

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Last week, we started talking about the Fruit of the Spirit, specifically the greatest one of all, Love. I have heard it been said that love and hate are both very strong emotions but the opposite of love is not hate but apathy, which is where you don’t even care at all. Agape love, which is the love Christ has for us and wants us to have for others is the self-sacrificing and unconditional love. As we talked about before, there is no law in love, meaning you can never achieve too much love, there are no limits to love. There is always more growth ahead. The Bible says, in John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” What is in your heart will eventually reveal itself. If you love God, you will show it.