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We have all heard the story of Paul and Silas but there are some interesting things that were happening in the background of this well-known story. Barnabas was the reason Paul got in with the apostles but they ended up having a disagreement and parting ways. Barnabas and Paul had problems but it didn’t stop them from working for God. People in church feel like, if a problem arises, they need to leave the church but if the apostles had problems and could still do the work of God, so can we. Sometimes, when you live for God more stuff happens to you. In fact, we don’t really grow unless stuff is happening to us. We can’t grow in the mountaintops, we grow in the valley! Paul and Silas were having a valley experience, but instead of complaining and pointing fingers they prayed and sang praises to God. It was at midnight that their praises tore down the prison walls and loosed all chains. Midnight signifies the darkest hour. Some of us are in trouble but we have to remember that we can come out of it, and we can drag others out of it with us!