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Is Christ your Jehovah Nissi? God has a plan for you but He also has some stipulations you have to follow. You have to align yourself with His will. You’re also going to have to fight some battles to receive your blessings. In the book of Exodus, Chapter 17, God told Moses to take the rod of God up to the top of the hill with him and lift it in worship. Whenever Moses got weary he would drop his hands and the Israelites would start losing the battle. As long as his hands were up, things were working out for them in the heavenly. How many of you know that obedience is the highest form of worship? Moses then builds an altar and calls it Jehovah Nissi which means, the Lord is my banner. Do you know what a banner is? It’s pretty much a flag that is waived at the end of a battle. So he is saying, God is our flag! He is high and lifted up! Now, there are some things that we think we know how to do but we don’t. Breathing, walking, sitting are all some examples. Many people seek etiquette classes to fix these. An example in the church is worship. The best place to go to learn about worship is the Bible. Lifting our hands is a form of worship. When we are in a worship service, there is spiritual warfare happening and our worship, the lifting of our hands, is a sign of surrender to Christ.