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There are thousands of “great” days in history but I believe that the greatest day of them all is the day that Christ was slain on the cross. The cross is, debatably, the most popular religious symbol and is symbolic all over the world. What is so ironic about the cross is that it that is a presented as a symbol of hope when, in actuality, it was an instrument of death. The cross is where God’s judgment and His mercy meets. He hung because of what we did, because of our transgressions. Three things happened at the cross that completely changed history. First, it became the ultimate place of forgiveness. He paid the ransom for all of our sins. Second, it became a place of reconciliation and restoration with Christ. Before his death, we were separated from Christ. We were not allowed to just go to him with our problems. When Christ died on the cross, the veil that separated us from our God was torn in half. Finally, it became a place of inner-fulfillment through self-denial. Jesus says that the cross is suffering. If you are going to listen to Christ, you are going to suffer. Things are not always going to be good. We must constantly remember the power of the cross and how “great” of a day it was in history.