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Home :: School Hymn Challenge

School Hymn Challenge

Let’s Get Started!

1) Follow Bishop Scott on Facebook @Bishop Leonard Scott and Instagram @docscott49

2) Share the challenge on all of your social media pages.

3) Send a video of your school choir doing a cover of your favorite hymn recorded by Bishop Leonard Scott from any of my past projects via email at Include your name, a link to your Facebook, your Instagram handle and the name of your school. All of Bishop Leonard Scott’s discography can be found on Spotify and Apple Music.

4) Bishop Scott’s team will upload the video to Bishop Scott’s Facebook page, and send you a link to the post. You will then need to share the post using the hashtags #SchoolHymnChallenge and #BishopLeonardScott, and ask others to share the post of your video from Bishop Scott’s Facebook page.


The winner of the challenge will be chosen based on the video with the most shares by family, friends, and faculty members on the post from Bishop Scott’s Facebook page.

  1. The winner’s school music department will be awarded a CASH PRIZE OF $1000 on behalf of Bishop Leonard Scott.
  2. All school choirs or choruses (per scheduling) will be invited to accompany Bishop Leonard Scott at Rock Community Church worship service for a recorded performance (by the school’s video/audio team) to be placed on the Bishop’s YouTube Channel, Website and all Social Media Pages.
  3. The winner’s video will be posted to Bishop Scott’s YouTube Channel and all of his Social Media Pages.

Additional Cash and Prize Opportunities (email for additional information):