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The Power of Forgiveness

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Before you start reading this blog post, recite this prayer, “Lord give me a forgiving heart”. Forgiveness is one of the most important and hardest subjects we can deal with. Jesus was viciously abused without fault and the first words he uttered from the cross were “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Many people think that offense is the problem but in reality, being offended is not the problem. You will be offended and you will get hurt, even in the church! We are all in a place where Jesus needs to work on us and He does it through our brothers and our sisters. And, He is going to keep working on you until He perfects you. Many times, offended people do not realize that they are offended, but the sooner you deal with that offense, the easier it will be to get rid of it. When you can take things that happen to you and let it go, it will help you more than the person you are forgiving. Ultimately, that unforgiveness will keep you out of heaven and send you straight to hell. You know what keeps us from acknowledging that there is a problem, PRIDE! Pride is what got Lucifer kicked out of heaven. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and it is connected to love which is the most powerful force in the universe. A little boy once defined forgiveness as the odor that flowers breathe when they are trampled upon…what do you breathe when you are trampled upon?