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Am I A Servant of All?

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Are you a servant to all? Everyone wants to be elevated. Many times we look for man to elevate us, but when God elevates us no one can take us down. God wants us to take on his yok. There is no way we can ever get up to God’s level which means that he comes down to our level so that we can accomplish this. If we yok up with Him, He will elevate us. Once we are elevated, we have to remember that we were made for servitude. Serving makes life meaningful. Without it we are existing but not living. There are five characteristics that every great servant must possess: humility, compassion, faithfulness, a focus on helping others, and not being self-centered. The ways of the kingdom are not the ways of the world.

The Paradigm Shift

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A Paradigm is a pattern. It is a way that we do things. When a paradigm shift occurs, the things that once were change and never go back to what they were before. When Peter walked on water he stepped outside of the boat, outside of his place of security. Peter had an experience that no one else had because he was willing to trust Jesus. The more that we learn and are made aware of the more we feel like we do not know. God has new things in store for us but in order to reach those things a rejuvenation of the mind and a paradigm shift must occur.

Vision Casting

First, let me ask you a question. What do you have in your hand? When God asks you a question he already knows the answer. He asks because he wants you to know the answer. God wants you to give Him what you are holding onto. Sometimes we hold on to stuff for so long that God can’t give us what he wants to give us. God doesn’t need the things that we have…He needs us! When he asks us to give things up it is so that he can give us back something with POWER. We hold ourselves up only thinking about what we want. We have to stop only thinking about ourselves all of the time and think on the positive things of God. God’s way works! The faith way works! God needs us to be faithful to Him. We do not want to be nominal Christians.

Dare To Dream

Zechariah 4:6b says “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Sometimes we have big problems and sometimes we have mountain problems. With the mountain problems we feel as though there is no way out so we might as well give up. God can turn that mountain into a plain and turn your problem into no problem at all. God won’t tell you to do something that you cannot do. God can do anything that he wants to do without us but He won’t. He uses people and he uses people who have faith. If you have the faith to believe it, God will do it. God speaks to us through dreams and visions. Our dreams come to us via our imagination. When God gives you a dream, he will bring it to pass. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams and don’t give up on them.

Head Faith Vs. Heart Faith Part 2

In the Bible God measures our faith. With head faith you have sense evidence which means you see it so you believe it. Heart faith, on the other hand, is spiritually based. It is based on what God says to us and not what we see. Your circumstances do not shake your heart faith but they shake your head faith. To know what God is saying to us we have to communicate with him. God speaks to us through his word. We have to meditate on God’s word and look up words that we don’t know to completely understand what God is telling us. God would not tell us to meditate on His Word if there was nothing to it. God reveals things to us through meditation. Meditation on the things of God increases our heart faith.