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A Good, Good Father

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Today we are going to talk about the parable of the prodigal son. This parable tells a tale of two sons and a good, good father. The youngest son tells the father he wants his stuff now! He was pretty much telling his dad, he would rather his dad be dead than to not have his stuff. When his dad gave him some, he took it all and went to a far off land. He then started hanging out with the drunkards and prostitutes. He spent all of his money and then tried to get a job, but a famine came. Eventually he took a job that went against everything he was raised to believe. He then realized he messed up. There has to be a point in everyone’s lives when we realize that God has more in store for us than what we get ourselves into. As long as he was with the father he did not have to worry about anything. He left the real source to go somewhere he thought was better. Often, we do the same thing to God, but he always welcomes us back with open arms!